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Tree Planting in Schools in Kenya

Tree planting in schools in Kenya for conservation education – 790 more trees planted.

The ongoing planting of indigenous tree species continues, with 790 trees planted this quarter. The team planted a variety of indigenous trees from Ficus Sycamorus, Croton Megalocupas, Acacia Kirkii, Olea Africana and the threatened Warburgia Ugandensis. The planting of indigenous species aims to strengthen river banks, reduce soil erosion and ultimately improve the resilience of the landscape to climate change.

tree planting in schools

While planting in ecosystems is important, it is equally important to partner closely with communities to host workshops on the value of trees and educate and inspire young kids by tree planting in schools. Out of the 790 trees planted, 112 were donated to communities. Paul, head of Conservation Roots, visited schools in the Maasai Mara giving lessons in the importance of tree planting in schools, and protecting trees for today but also for the future. 14 trees were also donated to women of the Naboisho Womens Group, a women empowerment group in the Maasai Mara.

tree planting in schools

“The donation and planting of trees in the community will bring the ecosystem back where the land is bare. This also encourages the local communities on the importance of tree planting in their surroundings and covering the bare ground.” – Felix, Maasai Mara Community Liaison

Author Great Plains Foundation

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