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Sport for development – 200 youth compete for the 2024 title

Sport for development – engaging 200 youth in conservation through sport

The annual sport for development tournament ‘Conservation Goals’ was held in September seeing 200 sporting enthusiasts from the five Okavango Community Trust villages in Botswana came together to take part in netball and football tournaments. The mission of Conservation Goals is to engage the youth in conversations around wildlife conservation, life skills and confidence.

sport for development
sport for development

The tournament was preceded by training sessions for the players covering these topics. The tournament itself welcomed over 1,000 spectators from the community to cheer on their village and listen to inspiring speeches from our Great Plains wildlife rangers. The winners of the netball and football tournaments received cash prizes as well as a donation from Great Plains towards the primary school in their village, making the winning teams heroes in their villages.

sport for development

Author Great Plains Foundation

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