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Linton Park Wine Estate & Hugo Rust Primary School Donate A Further R126 000

Dedicated supporters of rhino conservation, Linton Park Wines and the Hugo Rust Primary School, were able to make a whopping R126 426 donation to the Rhinos Without Borders initiative, on World Rhino Day – 22 September 2017. In 2016, the estate and school donated R54 704 (R50 000 from Linton Park and R4 704 from Hugo Rust)

Linton Park Wines was able to raise funds through the sale of its special range of “Rhino” wine, which totaled an incredible R92 000 – up R42 000 from last year’s contribution!

Linton Park cheque hand over to Rhinos Without Borders

Hugo Rust Primary School joined forces with Linton Park Wines in 2016, to help raise awareness for the plight of Africa’s rhino. This year, the school (with its 600 pupils) embarked on various imaginative fundraising initiatives, which resulted in an exceptional R27 000 raised.

A final amount of R126 426 was handed to Africa Foundation’s CEO, Franscois Peenz, at a special event held at Linton Park Estate.

We would like to once again thank Linton Park Wines and the pupils and teachers of Hugo Rust Primary for their unwavering dedication to rhino conservation.

Author GreatPlainsFoundation19

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